Welcome to the Ditterich Lab at the Center for Neuroscience, University of California, Davis. We are a neuroscience laboratory working on discovering the neural mechanisms that are responsible for linking perception and action. Our laboratory uses a variety of techniques, including analysis of behavior, electrophysiology, and computational modeling.
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Optimality of decisions between multiple alternatives (Ditterich, 2010)
LIP activity during random dot motion discrimination (Bollimunta & Ditterich, 2012)
Perceptual decisions between multiple alternatives (Niwa & Ditterich, 2008)
Calculating the posterior probability of a choice option from sensory observations (Ditterich, 2010)
An MSPRT feedback model (Ditterich, 2010)
Multi-electrode recordings in a perceptual decision task with multiple alternatives (Bollimunta et al., 2012)
Local field potentials in parietal cortex during perceptual decision making (Bollimunta & Ditterich, 2012)
A neural correlate of changes of mind (Bollimunta et al., 2012)